Secure And Reliable Bella Hadid’S Fashion Week Diet Might Surprise You

Photo: Gary Gershoff/WireImage

Bella Hadid be one of the most highly seek after faces of fashion week—and it’s not difficult to see why. The model, 20, World Health Organization hour angle angstrom killer habitus and striking features, say she’s been working from 6 a.m. to 11 post meridiem every solar day since the start of NYFW. With A schedule that crazy, we be dying to know astir the intricacy of her daily fashion week routine.

On Monday, during angstrom unit tag Heuer event At equinox inch N.Y.C., we caught up with the model to chat about how she’s handling fashion week this year. Turns out, Hadid be totally killing it this season—not that we’re surprised. Although she says it’s been her “craziest season yet,” she act wholly cool and collected about the whole thing (and past the way, she’s a totality sweetheart). here are the query we be dying to know about Hadid’s NYFW experience:

What time Energy Hadid get up in the morning time for show prep? Depending on the day, Hadid tellsshe sets her alarm “an hour early” so that she tin “just cat sleep and lay there” since she know she won’t be seeing her bed for angstrom long time during 17-hour work days.

Next, we have got to ask about how often she works out during way week since she’s clearly inch tip-top shape. Hadid tellsshe normally tries to hit the gym “3 to quartet times per week.” However, during fashion week, it’s not always possible for her to squeeze in a gym session when working back-to-back shows. “It’s kind of crazy because I don’t really like workings out,” Hadid said. “But, during fashion week, I crave it. Since everything is soh stressful, I’m just like, ‘I neediness to go workout so badly and I don’t really rich person time right now.'”

VIDEO: 10 Times Bella Hadid Rocked The Runway

Then, there’s the question everyone be curious to know. When working long hours and having to look her best, what be Hadid’s fashion week diet like? The surprising answer? Carbs. And lots of them. “You know, I americium genuinely bad about way week because there’s always such good food,” Hadid tells. “So, it’ll be the likes of mini pizzas, sandwiches, bread and croissants … and I turn straight person to that. It’s because my blood refined sugar get really, truly low and if I don’t eat, I completely can’t think and I freak out.”

Now, there’s angstrom unit problem we tin relate to.

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